
Educational Activity “Teixeira de Pascoaes e as Laranjas POéticas” (2022)

On World Poetry Day, March 21st, we visited the Centro Escolar de Estrada do Meio, Macieira – Lousada.

We stimulated our educational activity “Teixeira de Pascoaes e as Laranjas Poéticas”, inserted in the pedagogical aspect of the Artists Route.

Stay to Talk believes that informal education is a good educational complement and, in this way, challenges the school community to discover and work with the literary and artistic heritage of six artists with Amarantine family origins.

In this pedagogical activity we explore the five senses, imagination and contemplation, through the poetry of Teixeira de Pascoaes.

And as the poet writes:

“??????? ?ã? é ??????: é ??? ????????.”

Teixeira de Pascoaes