Level I – Know the places and their connection to the authors / themes:
Set out to discover the Route of the Artists, exploring the beauty that inspired painters and writers in this territory – Northern Portugal. Choose your itinerary and experience the work, the places, the landscapes, and the identity of a place that is a cradle and place of passage for artists who played a fundamental role in the construction of Culture in Portugal. To do so, just send us your email and we will provide you with the map of this Itinerary so that you can do it freely.
Stay Visit
Level II – Know the places, their connection to the authors / themes and the history / stories of / with people: Live and experience the Route of the Artists with the locals guided by a Stay to Talk Cultural Mediator. Places are people, those who perpetuate Heritage and allow us to live and continue it. In this Artistic Route in the North of Portugal, Heritage is the key element. For this, contact us to let us know your preferences and present you a unique visit plan, duly mediated.
Stay Experience
Level III – Know the places, their connection to the authors / themes, the history / stories of / with people and to carry out Immersion Experiences that enable you to learn to do by doing:
Have a more complete experience while traveling the Route, immersing yourself in the local culture and carrying out Immersion Experiences. With Stay To Talk, get to know the life and work of the distinguished people that the Route of Artists pays homage to and learn from the locals the art of knowing how to do. Challenge yourself and experience this territory through cultural immersion experiences that will make you want to come back. To do this, get in touch with us to let us know your preferences so we can present you a plan of experiencing the unique territory (visits and experiences), duly mediated.